Introducing MentoL Art! Visit her tumbLr here: cute cartoon characters to enjoy her hand-drawn pictures both for fun and for peopLe's requests from all over the worLd. Here is a few drawings by MentoL Art you can take a look at:
Monday, May 28, 2012
MentoL Art - Cute Hand Drawn Cartoons You Can Request SpeciaL for You
Introducing MentoL Art! Visit her tumbLr here: cute cartoon characters to enjoy her hand-drawn pictures both for fun and for peopLe's requests from all over the worLd. Here is a few drawings by MentoL Art you can take a look at:
Thursday, May 24, 2012
12 Unique Alarm Clocks - Some Will Force You to Wake Up and Shut Them Up
1. Rocket Alarm Clock
This aLarm cLock will launch a rocket and you need to repLace it on its launch pad base to shut it up.
2. Baseball Projection Alarm Clock
The time, month and date will be projected from the baseball to the ceiLing. The aLarm is crescendo.
3. Orchestra Conductor Alarm Clock
This conductor will pLay you a loud orchestra whiLe he dances to annoy you.
4. Bomb Alarm Clock with Bank Compartment
You'll be waken up by a bomb expLosion produced by this aLarm cLock. This incLudes a bank compartment as well.
5. Flying Alarm Clock
When the aLarm goes off, a heLicopter will fLy up carrying away the key to set the aLarm off. You have to get out of bed, chase the heLicopter, get the key then turn the aLarm off.
6. Clocky, Alarm Clock on WheeLs
Clocky will jump off and runaway for you to get up and chase him.
7. Tocky, Rolling Alarm Clock
Tocky will roll around your room randomLy shouting your wake-up messages which you can record with its buiLt-in mic. Or eLse, just upLoad your favourite mp3 tracks.
8. Jonas Damon Blue LED Cubes
This package has 4 decorative cubes with aLarm cLock measuring 1" x 1" x 1.5" each.
9. Clap-On Cube Alarm Clock
You need to cLap your hand to make this cube shows the time. Made of light wood veneer with red LED digitaL time.
10. Laser Gun Target Shooting Alarm Clock
To set the aLarm off, you have to shoot the target right in the bull's eye with the laser gun.
11. Clapperboard Alarm Clock - Director's Edition
Suits to you, fiLm makers or fiLm lovers. Start your day with this cLapperboard as you need to cLap the cLapper to turn the aLarm off.
12. Fish Tank Aquarium Alarm Clock
This aLarm cLock can hoLd 1.5L water and can be running circuLarLy to provide fresh air for the fishes. CompLete with mini USB and adjustabLe desk lamp.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
12 Unique Places to Get Married - HistoricaL & UnusuaL Wedding Locations
1. Blenheim PaLace, UK
This EngLish Baroque architecturaL paLace is famous as the birthpLace of Winston Churcill. Just enter the Woodstock Gate in Oxfordshire then get amused by the lake with the Grand Bridge which was designed by Vanburgh to view a 2100 acres of beautifuL lanscape designed by CapabiLity Brown, Britain's most famous landscape gardener.
2. Ferris WheeL, Vienna
This iconic landmark was buiLt in 1897 and located in the oLdest amusement park in the worLd. The coupLe can get into the gondoLa then the service begins as the ferris wheel sets off and the wedding vow will be done when the gondoLa reaches its highest point over this historic city.
3. PaLazzo Vecchio, Florence
CathoLic, Protestant and civiL weddings are allowed here, incLuding for foreigners. The hall which is usually used for weddings is Sala Rossa or Red Hall, because it's designed in red, from the year of 1860.
4. Old MaryLebone Town Hall, London
It has 4 beautifuL marriage rooms and is actually Westminster Registry Office with a luxurious wooden-panelled marbLe entrance hall. PauL McCartney and Ringo Starr both had their weddings here, making this buiLding even more famous.
5. Millennium WheeL, London
Known as the famous London Eye but is called Millennium WheeL because it was opened the first time on December 31st, 1999. It's 135 meters high above the Thames. The coupLe can have around 20 other peopLe to be with them in one capsuLe. Prince William's wedding had this London Eye lit up in the coLours of the Union Flag.
6. The Foundry, New York
Located in Long Island City, Queens, to be exact.This used to be a 19th century metaL foundry but newLy designed with modern steeL raiLings without dismissing the oLd bricks and it makes this buiLding unique with this speciaL ambiance.
7. The Lighthouse, Chelsea Piers
Another spot in New York city, enabLing you to have a wedding with the view of the Hudson river through fLoor-to-ceiLing windows. What makes it more speciaL is that this wedding spot is one of AbigaiL Kirsh's location, the legendary caterer.
8. The TunneL of Love Drive Through Wedding ChapeL, Las Vegas
You can get married without leaving your car. This chapeL has even performed weddings on motorcycLes.
9. Las Vegas Strip HeLicopter, Las Vegas
After offering weddings in cars or on motorcycLes, the Las Vegas HiLton offers heLicopter wedding. The heLicopter will fLy 22 miLes whiLe the coupLe exchanging vows there. The package incLudes champagne and a photographer.
10. Underwater Wedding, Florida
JuLes' Undersea Lodge in Key Largo offers underwater wedding ceremonies. You need to scuba dive to enter the hoteL. Honeymoon can aLso be in a one package with the wedding ceremony. You can check out after the honeymoon by another scuba dive back to the surface.
11. The Skunk Train, CaLifornia
You can choose to depart from Fort Bragg or Willits to Camp Mendocino Dining Hall or Northspur Reception. You can hoLd your reception on the train whiLe crossing through two mountain tunneLs and thirty bridges.
12. Wedding at the Casa ManiLa Museum, Philippines
Just across the San Agustin Church in Intramuros, you can find this historicaL stone-fLoored oLd museum. You can have up to 200 guests here.
Need a heLp for the speech?
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Interesting Facts about Numbers CaLcuLations
1's Numeric ParLindrome
1 x 1 = 111 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321
SequentiaL Numbers of 6
6 x 7 = 4266 x 67 = 4422
666 x 667 = 444222
6666 x 6667 = 44442222
66666 x 66667 = 4444422222
666666 x 666667 = 444444222222
6666666 x 6666667 = 44444442222222
66666666 x 66666667 = 4444444422222222
666666666 x 666666667 = 444444444222222222
SequentiaL Numbers with 8
1 x 8 + 1 = 912 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
Sequential 1's with 9
1 x 9 + 2 = 1112 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 + 10 = 1111111111
SequentiaL 8's with 9
9 x 9 + 7 = 8898 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
Without Number 8
12345679 x 9 = 11111111112345679 x 18 = 222222222
12345679 x 27 = 333333333
12345679 x 36 = 444444444
12345679 x 45 = 555555555
12345679 x 54 = 666666666
12345679 x 63 = 777777777
12345679 x 72 = 888888888
12345679 x 81 = 999999999
SequentiaL Numbers of 9
9 x 9 = 8199 x 99 = 9801
999 x 999 = 998001
9999 x 9999 = 99980001
99999 x 99999 = 9999800001
999999 x 999999 = 999998000001
9999999 x 9999999 = 99999980000001
99999999 x 99999999 = 9999999800000001
999999999 x 999999999 = 999999998000000001
The ResuLts of the MuLtipLications of 9 Are Always 9 When Added
2 × 9 = 18(1 + 8 = 9)5 × 9 = 45 (4 + 5 = 9)
12 × 9 = 108 (1 + 0 + 8 = 9)
125 × 9 = 1125 (1 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 9)
3088 × 9 = 27792 (2 + 7 + 7 + 9 + 2 = 27) (2 + 7 = 9))
78367 x 9 = 705303 (7 + 0 + 5 + 3 + 0 + 3 = 18) (1 + 8 = 9))
5235412 × 9 = 47118708 (4 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 8 + 7 + 0 + 8 = 36) (3 + 6 = 9))
(Exception) 0 x 9 = 0
The TotaL of Number Added to 9 & the TotaL of the ResuLt Are Always the Same
9 + 21 = 30 (2 + 1 = 3 & 3 + 0 = 3)9 + 57 = 66 (5 + 7 = 12 & 6 + 6 = 12)
9 + 132 = 141 (1 + 3 + 2 = 6 & 1 + 4 + 1 = 6)
9 + 2754 = 2763 ( 2 + 7 + 5 + 4 = 18 & 2 + 7 + 6 + 3 = 18
Monday, May 21, 2012
12 UnusuaL FestivaLs Around the WorLd
1. Water Fight - Songkran, ThaiLand
This is how they ceLebrate New Years. It is heLd in ApriL for 5 days full. You can bring any water containers with you like water pistoLs, hose, etc. There's no safe pubLic place you can go.
2. Baby Jumping CoLacho FestivaL - Castrillo de Murcia, Spain
This is actually a baby bLessing ceremony. Well, Spanish styLe of baby bLessing, though. This is heLd during the annuaL Corpus Christi which the babies are laid on the ground, on a mattress for the rituaL. After that, grown men in deviL costumes jump over the babies. This rituaL is beLieved to cLeanse the babies of all eviL, aLso for their good luck and heaLth. But recentLy, the priests there have been ordered to stay away from this rituaL aLthough this festivaL has been heLd annually since 1620.
3. Cheese Rolling FestivaL - Glouchestershire, UK
In short, this is a festivaL when peopLe are in a race chasing after a 7-8lb DoubLe Glouchestershire Cheese. Where this festivaL is heLd is what makes this interesting. "One to be ready! Two to be steady! Three to be prepare! And four to be off!" the Master of Ceremonies shouts the contestants off the incredibLy steep Cooper's Hill. This is how they weLcome summer time for more than 200 years.
4. Kanamara Matsuri - Kawasaki, Japan
You can easiLy recognize this festivaL when you see a pink penis parade, where the huge pink penis being tugged across the street. This is actually an ancient Shinto festivaL designed to honour fertiLity, prevent STDs and to raise money for HIV researches. What a coincidence, Kanamara Matsuri is on the first Sunday of ApriL. So, you'll see many peopLe bringing that huge pink penis, followed by more peopLe eating penis candy or wearing penis accessories, whiLe others are looking for eggs, eating chocoLate and chasing bunny rabbits for Easter day of Christians.
5. Monkey Buffet - Lopburi, ThaiLand
To honour Rama, a hero of Ramayana, who has rewarded his friend Hanuman the Monkey King with the freedom of what is now Lopburi, monkeys are invited to eat fruits and vegetabLes (aLthough you can find sausages, or PringLes, or even Coke served there for them). This is heLd at the Pra Prang Sam Yot tempLe, Lopburi.
6. Noche de Rabanos (Night of the Radishes) - Oaxaca, Mexico
Back to coLoniaL times, the missionaries taught the natives how to cuLtivate radishes then they heLd a great exhibition of figures made of radishes. For now, artists from all over the worLd are invited to compete at this radish carving for prizes based on their abiLities. A loveLy fireworks dispLay ends this festivaL at night.
7. Tapati FestivaL - Easter IsLand
This summer festivaL has a lot in common with another ones, dances, art exhibitions, carving competitions, horse and boat races, queen seLection, etc. What makes it controversiaL is the Haka Pei, which is one of the main sporting events. The contestants wear a hami (loin cLoth) and body paint. They get on their own banana tree trunk to race, then sLide down a really steep hill at the top speed as fast as they can sLide.
8. The BattLe of Food - Ivrea, ItaLy
Usually, it is now oranges that are thrown in this battLe. Before the 19th century, it was beans. Somewhere during the 19th century, women started throwing oranges to the boys they like, and if the boy like the girL, then he shouLd throw back an orange to her. This started the orange battLe and peopLe use oranges ever since. Being heLd annually in February, ItaLian marks the end of the ruLe of a tyrant from the middLe ages.
9. WorLd Gurning Championship - Cumbria, UK
You can just call this the ugLiest face competition. The contestants stick their heads through a horse's collar then make grotesque faces, as ugLy as they can. They winner is the person who gets the most appLause from the audience.
10. HoLi (the FestivaL of CoLours) - India
People throw coLours here, which is powder called guLaL. The most popuLar coLours are green, yellow, red and orange. This Hindu spring festivaL is associated with Lord Khrisna. The food and drinks served in HoLi are laced with a locaL cannabis pLant calld bhang.
11. Fish-Swallowing FestivaL - Geraardsbergen, BeLgium
As a part of KrakeLingen FestivaL, Fish-Swallowing is heLd annually on the last Sunday of February. This is to commemorate an unsuccessfuL siege of the city. The locaLs guLp live gray fishes called grondeLing soaked in red wine. There are many activists hoLd protests against this festivaL to substitute the live fishes with fish-shaped marzipan.
12. Konaki Sumo - Japan
"Neru ko wa sodatsu" means "crying baby grow fast". This Japanese proverb is the main reason of why the locaLs have this festivaL since 400 years ago in many tempLes in Japan. Not all tempLes hoLd this festivaL, but each tempLe has its own scheduLe in different months. Two sumo wrestLers hoLding a baby each and face each other whiLe waiting for which baby is going to cry first to determine the winner. If the babies cry together at the same time, who cries louder is the winner.
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