
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

12 Unique & HistoricaL Bookstores in the WorLd

1. DouLos (Floating Bookstore)
This iwas the oldest passenger ship because it was buiLt 3 years after Titanic. It had been a fLoating bookstore for years and fLoated with more than haLf a million books in it. UnfortunateLy, DouLos stopped traveLing around the worLd and retired in 2009.

2.Manure (Tank Bookstore), Wiscon
Manure was actually a storage tank for crop's fertilizer made of livestock's feces. Manure was renovated and buiLt like a rook. There are priceless books which were pubLished between 1880-1930 here. This bookstore is located in a ranch of an oLd coupLe and is run by them on Saturdays during summer.

3. Selexyz Dominicanen (Church Bookstore), Netherlands
This church was buiLt by 2 architects, Merkx and Girod. The wall is bLack matte steeL and decorated with curves made of marbLe. There are so many oLd paintings hwre fron Dominican Church. The interesting part is that this is the onLy bookstore where you can waLk on the book sheLves.

4. El Ateneo (Theater Bookstore), Argentina
This theater is the onLy theater with high architecture design and is considered as one of the most luxurious theater in the worLd. SuddenLy this theater was transformed into a bookstore. Millions of visitors come here every year.

5. Newsstand (Movie Theater Bookstore), Texas
This historicaL movie theater was called The Alabama before it was transformed into Newsstand as a bookstore. It was estabLished in 1939 in Houston, Texas. UnfortunateLy, Newsstand was moved to a mall because of the possibiLity that the buiLding wouLd be demoLished.

6. The FuneraL Home BuLtman, New Orleans
In 2008, this historicaL buiLding has been transformed into a luxurious bookstore by Woodward Design without dismissing its historicaL exterior. We can see a taste of South Germany in its architecture design. This bookstore is called The Borders ever since.

7. Shakespeare & Co, Paris
This is an antiquarian bookstore which has a really unique interior and exterior. There's a bed inside this bookstore like in the photo beLow and there's aLso a writer's room with a piano where customers are weLcome to pLay. This is aLso where poets like to read their poems.

8. Hay-on Wye CastLe, WaLes (CastLe Bookstore)
This castLe consists of 30 bookstores and is called the town of books. This is the home of antiquarian books and second-hand books. A famous bookstore here, as this is the oLdest bookstore in WaLes, is Norman CastLe. It is now offering thousands of second-hand books.

9. Airstream TraveLing Bookstore, Quebec
This bookstore sells magazines, ceLebrities' books and independent pubLished books. This was a 1595 Airstream but was converted into a bookstore with its headquarter in Quebec. UnfortunateLy, this bookstore's last tour ended in 2008.

10. Livraria Lello Bookstore, Porto
This bookstore was buiLt in 1906 with neo-gothic styLe, designed by an architect named Xavier Esteves. Be sure to have much spare time when going there for you'd find it difficuLt to get out. Not onLy because the enormous buiLding with millions of books, but aLso there's a cafe up there after those curving luxurious staircase.

11. Livraria da ViLa, San PauLo
This bookstore is filled with books, literally. You can find books in every walls from the fLoor to the ceiLing, in every space avaiLabLe to put books. There are even rotating booksheLves full with books in both sides. This 3 stories buiLding was designed by Isay WeinfieLd.

12. Libreria Acqua Alta, Venice
This is considered as one of the most beautifuL bookstore in the worLd. Why so? This bookstore is just a few inches way from the canaL outside which you can see from the inside. The books are pLaced in many unconventionaL "booksheLves" like gondoLas, bathtubs, boats, etc.


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