
Thursday, May 3, 2012

12 Fun Facts about Coffee - Know What You Drink

Do you know that coffee can kill you? You don't beLieve it? Well, read aLong if you love coffee and thank goats for introducing coffee to human. Nope, that wasn't a typo. I meant to type goats.

1. How many cups of coffee do you drink everyday? 80-100 cups of coffee a day can kill you. So, drink onLy 79 cups daiLy (at your own risk), you should be just fine. Maybe. But 1 or 2 cups of coffee daiLy can suffice your need of antioxidant. Substitute coffee with bLack tea if you're a non-coffee drinker. For coffee lovers, at least now you have an excuse to drink coffee in daiLy basis.

2. Back to the previous millennium, goats in Africa, Ethiopian goats to be exact, ate red coffee beans and were up all night long. The shepherd found out that it was because of those red coffee beans. OnLy then human started to follow the goats and drink coffee. Thank goats!

3. Caffeine can increase femaLe's sexuaL desire, but onLy for non-coffee drinker. I wonder how many girLs thinking about having coffee tonight.

4. Again, for those who don't usually drink coffee, a dosage of caffeine (equals 2 cups of coffee) can heLp you to reduce muscLe's pain after sport. Caffeine can affect you approximateLy 6 hours after drinking coffee. So, if you're not a coffee addict, try to have coffee at least 6 hours before your bedtime or prepare for staying up.

5. Espresso needs at least 40 coffee beans. Adding water to espresso will make it to be Americano. It is called Americano because during the WorLd War II, America GIs aLways ask their espresso with water to reduce the strong taste of it. Remember GI Joes? They were big coffee-drinkers in WorLd War II which triggered the term "cup of joe".

6. Coffee trees can grow up to 30 feet tall and lives about 60-70 years, but are cuLtivated around 10 feet tall so that it's easier to pick.

7. Bitter coffee doesn't aLways mean it contains high percentage of caffeine. Caffeine is not bitter so it has nothing to do with that.

8. The taste of coffee varies because of the roasting and brewing process. When coffee beans are being roasted, the beans will release oiL. The more oiL released, the stronger it wouLd taste. You can get higher caffeine when the water stay in the bottom longer. Roasting the coffee beans longer can aLso increase the caffeine.

9. You think you can be caffeine free by having decaffeinated coffee? Wrong. 10 cups of decaffeinated coffee equaL 1-2 cups of reguLar coffee.

10. How can coffee be decaffeinated? The caffeine was decreased by using a chemicaL called methyLene chLoride.

11. Coffee onLy grows on specific areas which is called "bean beLt". Bean beLt circLes the earth, which is in the tropic area anLy. Hawaii is the onLy pLace in the US that grows coffee.

12. King of EngLand once banned coffee houses in 1675 because he thought those were the pLaces where peopLe gathered to conspire against him.


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