
Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Collection of Unique Words You Might Need DaiLy


- Abacinate
To bLind by putting a hot copper basin near someone's eyes.

- Abderian
UncontrollabLe and idiotic laughter

- Abecedarian
A person who learns aLphabet.

- AbLigurition
This is when you spend too much on food and drink.

- Adoxography
Having skill in writing about unimportant subjects.

- AgeLast
A person who never laughs.

- Agerasia
When you look younger that you actually are.

- Alphamegamia
The marriage between a young woman with an oLder man.

- Apodyopsis
What you call when you mentally undress someone.

- ArachnoLeptic Fit
The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally waLked through a spider web.

- AutotonsoriaList
For them who cut their own hair.


- Batrachophagous
How you shouLd be called if you eat frogs.

- BombiLate
To hum and buzz loudLy and continuousLy.

The rumbLing sound of gas through intestines.

- Brevirostrate
Having a short nose.

- Brontide
The low rumbLing of distant thunder.


- Cachinnation
Loud or hystericaL laughter,

- Cagamosis
An unhappy marriage.

- Callipygean
Having a well-shaped buttock.

- Causeuse
A sofa buiLt for two peopLe.

- Clithridiate
Shaped like key-hoLe.

- CoLposinquanoia
Scoring woman's beauty based on her breast.

- CruciverbaList
A term for those who loves doing crossword puzzLes.


- Dactylion
The tip of middLe finger.

- DactyLonomy
A person who counts using his/her fingers.

- Decubitis
The act of lying down.

- Defenestrate
To throw something out of the window.

- Digamy
The second marriage after the death or divorce of the previous spouse.

An overwheLming urge to run away.


- Eccedentesiast
A person who fakes smiLe.

- Estrapade
The act of a horse to remove its rider.

- ExsibiLation
The collective of dissaproving hisses from audience.


- Farctate
This is when you feel really stuffed after overeating.

- Fuscoferuginous
Having dark and rusty coLour.


- Gambrinous
Being full of beer.

- GargaLesis
Heavy tickLieng.

- GargaLesthesia
What you feeL when being tickLed.

- Gossypiboma
A surgicaL sponge accidentally left insode someone's body.

- Gowpen
A DoubLe handfuL.

- GraphoLagnia
The urge to stare at obscene pictures.

- Gymnophoria
The sensation that someone is mentally undressing you.


- Hadeharia
If you constantLy use the word "hell" in speaking.

- HippopotomonstrosesquipedaLian
Pertaining to long words.

A feeLing of sadness seemingLy without a cause.


- Inaniloquent
Speaking fooLishLy or saying silly things.

- Interfenestration
The space between two windows.


- JentacuLar
Pertaining to breakfast.

- Johnnie
The synonym of hospitaL gown.

- Jumentous
Smells like horse's urine.


- Knismesis
Light tickLing.

- Krukolibidinous
The act of staring at someone's crotch.

- Kyphorrhinos
Having a nose with a bump in it.


- LaLochezia
The act of using steong or abusive worda to reLieve stress or ease pain.

- LethoLogica
The inabiLity to remember the exact word for something.

- Lygerastia
A tendency to be aroused in the dark.


A look shared by two peopLe, each wishing that the other wouLd initiate something that they both desire but which neither wants to begin.

- Mammothrept
A kid who is raised and spoiLed by his/her grandmother.

- Maritodespotism
The reLationship when a woman is being dominated by her husband.

- MatronoLagnia
An attraction to oLder women, especially to those who have aLready had chiLdren.

- Misocapnist
A person who hates the smell of tobacco smoke.

- MisodoctakLeidist
Someone who hates practicing the piano.

- Mulligrubs
When you are feeLing low.

- Mumpsimus
Someone who insists on sticking to his/her oLd ways aLthough that's wrong.

- Mungo
A dumpster diver - who extracts vaLuabLe things from trash.

- Mytacism
The execessive or incorrect usage of letter 'M'.


- NeLipot
Someone who waLks without shoes.

- NepheLigenous
Producing cLouds of tobacco smoke.

- NihiLarian (the,'h' is pronounced like 'k')
A person who deaLs with unimportant things.

- Nudiustertian
The day before yesterday

- Onychophagy
The habit of biting fingernaiLs.


- PandicuLation
The stretching and yawning before going to bed or after waking up.

- Petrichor
The smell of the rain when touching earth.

- PhiLosophuncuList
A person who acts like he/she knows more than he/she actually does to impress others.

The stars and coLours you see when you rub your eyes.

- Pogonotomy
The act of cutting a beard.

- PoLiphLoisboian
Causing a lot of loud noise.

- PreantepenuLtimate
Fourth from the last

- Prosopography
The description of a person's appearance.

- Psithurism
The sound of the wind in trees or rustLing leaves

- PuLveratricious
Covered with dust.

- Pyknic
Short and fat.

- QuaLtagh
The first person you see after leaving your house.

- Quidnunc
A person who aLways wants to know what's going on.

- Quamodocunquize
To make money by any chance possibLe.


- RazbLiuto
The sentimentaL feeLing you have about someone you once loved, but no longer do.

- Recumbentibus
A knockout bLow, either verbally or physically.


- Sabrage
Opening a bittLe with sabre.

- Sciapodous
Having huge feet.

- ScoLecophagous
A person who eats worms.

- SgiomLaireached
The habit of coming over at meaLtimes.

- SphalloLaLia
A fLirtatious taLk that leads nowhere.

- Steatopygic
Having a fat behind.

- Strakhedonia
The pLeasure of being abLe to say "to hell qith it".


- Tachyphagia
Fast eating.

- Tarantism
An urge to overcome meLanchoLy by dancing.

- TetrapyLoctomy
An act of spLitting hair into 4 ways.

- TheLemic
Allowing peopLe to do as how they like.

- TibiaLoconcupiscent
Having an interest in watching woman putting on stockings.

- Tyrotoxism
To be poisoned by cheese.

- Ulotrichous
Having very wooLy hair.

- Ultracrepidarian
A person who taLks or offers opinion on matters beyond his/her knowLedge.


- Ventripotent
Having a large belly.

- Vesthibitionism
A form of exhibitionist by a woman dispLaying fLirtatious undergarments.

- Vigesimation
The act of killing every twentieth person

- Viraginity
The mascuLine side of a woman.


A desire to traveL, to understand his/her very existence.

- Wanweird
An unhappy life.

- WiddifuL
A person who deserves to be hung.


- Xerophagy
A diet of bread and water.

- XimeLoLagnia
An urge to stare at a woman who's sitting with crossed legs


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